Monday, October 7, 2019

MindTalk...the 'Not-Self' (Facebook Group Post - Intuitive Human Design)

I'll be honest, when I first started looking into human design I was perplexed by the language and especially what the not-self really meant. How do I understand it if I don't get what the term is implying? Anyone else have that? What the not-self boils down to, and the whole crux of hd is, is not making decisions with your mind. That's it.

Later, I noticed that I related to this not-self in both my definition and in my openess. I was making decisions from my mind, in ALL area of my life. So, of course it didn't matter whether I was defined or not, I was still acting out as my not-self. I know I'm not the only one who has related to the not-self aka MindTalk, even in your definition. Am I correct? Have you also noticed the MindTalk thru your definition? That's why I didn't specify each center within the main posts, only in hashtags at the bottom. That's why I said in the first post in that series that this is helpful to ALL, even those who know nothing about human design. I want this information to be accessible without the need to know your own chart. Not everyone is interested in that, tho may be interested in learning how to make decisions correctly, not from their mind.

For this week's post, I want to open up the conversation around how the mind tries to control our decision making, taking us away from our inner authority, and drives us crazy with fear and anxiety. Now I realize there are some projectors who have outer authority and no inner authority in the same sense the rest of us have. I would love to hear how this works for you.

The mind is strong and loud and does not want to give over control in decision making to our inner authority. I've done a lot of mindset work myself, have lived without the mind making my decisions in the past while following by natural inner authority, have become rigid in my mindset allowing it to make my fearful, anxiety filled decisions, so I've been on both side of this fence. I know what it's like and how the mind makes us resist our inner authority. I know the difference in how I psychically feel when I'm resisting life and when I'm in the flow of it. How about you? Can you remember a time when you were naturally following your inner authority and not allowing your mind to fearfully control your daily decisions? Even if only once? Can you tap into how that felt within you? If not, that's ok.

To get this conversation started, what fears and anxiety is your MindTalk using in your daily life to make decisions, right now? Are you becoming aware of it? Awareness is the first step, not the last. I almost forgot, let's embrace self love and compassion for ourselves during this process. 🥰🌟💖