Saturday, September 28, 2019

Libra New Moon in Human Design Gate 18 of Correction


In-tending our garden, planting the seeds we want to grow - Inwardly Tending Our Mind, the garden. What are you In-tending during this New Moon in gate 18 of Correction, Libra at 5°? Earth is in gate 17 of Opinions, Aries at 5°. Mercury and Pluto are forming the channel of Transformation during this NM!

We are definitely going thru a Transformation while Saturn asks us if what we desire is worth fighting for - is it worth thriving towards?

Well, IS it? Even when we feel the sqeeze and can hardly breathe due to it? Even when we feel deflated? Can we Surrender and Trust the Transformation process? Can we have Faith that Life really does Know Best for us and our Unfolding? Can we Perserve?

The Truth (Pluto) is, I want to Communicate (Mercury) about my Transformation yet, helloooo, gotta LIVE it first (I'm still in my transformation lol)!! And it has to be adaptable for the Tribe as an Individual. I desire the freedom to creatively focus on bringing forth what I've learned in my experiences 3rd line to all of you in a practical way 5th line. I want my Voice to Impact your Life!!

Here's what I'm intending for this New Moon in Libra. What are y'all intending?

The humble openess to receive...
Ability to continue my human design certification
Community support
Fruitful opportunities
Creative flow & harvest

The humble openess to be more vulnerable and open...
To share my personal life experiences, including those I'm in the thick of, imperfectly perfect just as I am. 🌑🌟🦄💜

Friday, September 27, 2019

Surrendering to Life's Disruption

The awesome part of this disruption I'm going thru is that it's bringing me even more into my body and my experience with my S&A and inner authority by taking the reins out of the hands of my mind. Yes, I know a lot of the human design knowledge but that doesn't help me if I'm not in my body experiencing it, as it's meant to be. The mind can be tricky in that sense. It can make you think you're experiencing your design, but are you really experiencing it by embodying it or are you thinking about the experience instead? It goes along with, "are you walking your talk or just talking", are you living it, really living it, viscerally within the body? The more in touch we get within our body's intelligence the less the mind freaks out with its incessant chatter and anxiety. Letting go, surrendering and patience are key along with self love and compassion.

Taking a Pause

I had this plan yet Life had another.
I wanted to open my Intuitive Human Design biz next week yet Life said surrender that.
I wanted to help others in my group yet Life said help those living with you first.
I wanted to make money to hire the help I thought I needed yet Life said I'm capable of it myself by surrendering the other.
I wanted to be a contender again, lol, yet Life said those days are gone, I'm preparing you for something greater.
I wanted to be comfortable yet Life said it's time to get down and dirty by walking your talk.

Life is Saturn, now direct in gate 38 the fighter - what's worth fighting for, or like I say, thriving towards? It then moves into the gate of Drive & Ambition, 54, where Pluto is until late Oct. This is part of the channel of Transformation and is a projected channel ie we need to wait for the recognition and invitation to share that Transformation.

I'll add here too that I'm going thru Mutation this year 3/60 by Surrendering 44/26 to the process and my Life Unfolding. My individual mutations will only benefit others if they are adaptable. If they aren't, they won't mutate the tribe lol.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

We’re Here to Display Our Unique Truth

To be caught up in this homogenized world and in its madness is what happens when you follow the dictates of your mind. It is not you. It is not speaking for you. It is obeying outer authority from somewhere else. It is obeying the authority of what conditions you. It is obeying the habits that have been established in you through what has been conditioned in you. It’s killing you. It’s turning your intelligence into a joke, because intelligence without awareness is just a bad joke. It’s what happens when you think that your mind is going to guide you to the promised land. It’s not equipped. And aside from all of that, what about you?

This thing that stands in the way, stands in the way of you, of you discovering you. This is what this is about. What this knowledge is about is stripping away the layers and layers of ignorance so you can get to your place, a place of uniqueness. This is a very special word. There is no comparison.

We are here to differentiate fully as a potential, each of us in our unique way expressing ultimately what our unique truth is. But to live as an individual, to be someone who lives by their own authority, that takes a lot of serendipity. It truly does. It's not for everyone.

(It's not like you have a choice. All of you have an illusion that you have a choice, that you're here by choice, and that you can do this by choice. It’s such a joke.)
****I left this (...) part in as I've been experimenting with choices to see where I do have choices and where I don't. I always have a choice to my responses, tho I may react 1st, I can still choose to respond.

It’s just a movie, after all. The passenger can watch all of this. It’s your serendipity to be here. It’s your good fortune. It is something to grasp about this relative to everything else, because it does not say that anything here is to be believed. It never has.

And nobody can bring you to this truth but you. We don’t sing as a chorus here. It’s just you. It’s an experiment, after all. It demands little else than the commitment to the experiment, and then it’s up to you, whatever that is, a door that opens for your possibility. It’s mechanical.

Until you experiment with the mechanics you will not know. You'll begin to understand that when you follow your Type and your Strategy, the Inner Authority, you’ll begin to see the shift. You'll begin to see differently, because you begin to slowly get acquainted with yourself. You never lived as yourself. Human beings spend most of their lives being nothing but not-self. There are very few exceptions. This is our world.

Excerpt from The Not-Self by Ra

Abracadabra My Human Design

I've been putting my own meaning to things and it's been really cool. It totally goes along with imagining my universe and life by putting my own meaning to my experiences, too.

This year, I've been able to more easily rewrite my own stories with the help of my friend, Timothy Brainard, and role model, Karen Parker. It's also opened me up to creating meanings, including new keywords based on Self within my hd since all hd was written based on the not-self. This is my personal view of the potential for perfection, tho without the attachment of everything needing to be perfect within its potential 💖

I would love to hear how you have been rewriting or reframing your life experiences, meanings in your life, and your stories. Please share in the comments or with a new post 💜🦄💜

**In one of Karen Parker's courses that I took this year, I learned that the word abracadabra is actually from the Hebrew language.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

My Realizations Musing (Gate 47)

Sometimes we're so busy looking AT the things that we miss the beauty of the space in between!!! Realization watching the end of Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium!! All the floating stars and fanned out rainbows 🌟🤘💜

#humandesign #gate47 #realizations

Monday, September 9, 2019

Keynoting the 3rd Line Profile (3/5)

My 3rd line Musings
Challenges (trials & tribulations)
Rollercoaster (ups n downs/twists n turns)
Change agent (Life is not stagnant)
Resiliency (Refined thru Fire)
Experience - Reflect - Create Meaning to Share
My 5th line
Universalizing Self Empowerment & Self Love

#humandesign #3/5profile #3rdlineprofile #trialanderror #pioneervisionaryleader

Thursday, September 5, 2019

My experience and thoughts on the current transit of gates 64 & 63

Below is something I originally posted on March 5th in my Quantum Alignment 2019 class while the sun was in gate 63 & earth is in gate 64...

"I've been dancing between the love of Life and it's oppressive futility...gate 47, my unconscious Mercury. While the 🌞 transits gate 63, 🌎 is transiting 64, forming the channel of abstract thinking & 47 is the gate of realizing. I read this morning in my studies that it's the fear of futility and mental anxiety that life is oppressive and futile.

My new story of this is that Life is fun, adventurous, exciting and not oppressive and futile. As I live as myself authentically, Life brings me what lights me up!"

Fast-Forward to September 5th with Sun in gate 64 this time and Earth in gate 63. Re-reading the above I can see how far I've grown, blossomed and become more of mySelf over these last 6 months. Half a year! Wow!

My experience of this now:
My mental activity over this last year, and especially through these last 6 months have brought much clarity. The downloads that I received last November have been unfolding in my life, bringing many realizations of how I see and share human design. Having an open head, the inspiration and wisdom I have access to is AWEmazing and is my outer authority to share with others, knowing I don't have to succumb to the pressure which leads to mental anxiety. With my undefined Ajna I've freed my mind from outdated beliefs and ideas, no longer grasping for nor holding onto them. Holding things lightly, playfully, with wonder and awe has made my life more magical and mysterious.

Current transits Mercury & Mars are in gate 64 with the Sun and Venus is in gate 47 with my unconscious Mercury forming the channel of Abstraction - A design of mental activity and clarity.

Gate 64 - before completion
Gate 47 - oppression
Gate 63 - after completion
Sun line 2 - qualifications
Earth line 2 - structuring
Mercury line 4 - conviction
Mars line 1 - conditions
Venus line 3 - self-oppression
My Mercury line 6 - futility

Looking back at the transits from March 5th, my Moon was in gate 55 conjunct my natal Moon before moving into gate 37 later that day. It's interesting cuz I have made a lot of new Friendships within the HD Community this year, especially around that time frame which made my Spirit feel Abundant.

64 Confusion
63 Doubt
47 Realization
55 Abundant Spirit
37 Friendship & Community
64/47 Channel of Abstraction

#humandesign #gate64 #gate63 #gate47

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Pain Awareness Month - Healing Your Human Design

September is Pain Awareness Month and I know that some of us here have some form of chronic pain, whether we are in the healing process, or not. I've been in the process of healing my fibromyalgia and I have gate 25.5 which is the only gate and line that talks about healing in HD, Recuperation.

The very short version: My self-healing journey started on Oct 6, 2013 when I removed my fentenal patch and never put another one back on. I weaned myself off all the prescription medications I was on for fibromyalgia. Before my 1st Saturn return I lost myself by compromising...I've been getting back to myself since my Uranus Opposition thru Astrology...Human Design has confirmed my path prior to compromising and helped me grow even more into myself.

I've been rewriting stories this year based on my human design, especially on the genetic side, to further help heal myself.
Before hd came into my life I was working with my mind-set, then found that I have D-Mercury in gate 47 of Oppression. This same gate goes back to my great-grandma, and potentially further, on my dad's side. My mom has it and so does one of my grandkids.

Please feel free to share here about your own pain journey. If you know of any of the design side gates (red) that run in your family, please share that too, if you'd like.

#humandesign #healingyourdesign #gate25.5recuperation #healing #painawarenessmonth

Paradigm Shifts ~ Saturn Retro/Direct Gates 38 & 54 Human Design

When we are in the process of shifting paradigms there's a very scary chaotic period which feels like a Saturian period where Saturn asks if you're going to walk your talk, your path, no matter how scary it feels. Once we get beyond the chaos point, the shift happens and brings relief. Be proud of yourself for not giving up during the chaos point of the shift.

8/21 Saturn went retrograde back into the gate of the fighter, what's worth fighting for. I've used this phrase in lieu of this, "What adventures are worth thriving towards?" Either way, Saturn is asking us to ground and focus on what we are desiring to bring forth into form. If we are not walking our talk, we'll get knocked down. If we are walking our talk, we'll get up again no matter how many times we get knocked down. 

Saturn goes direct on 9/18 (in numerology that's 9/9 which equals 9 again, of endings). On 10/27 Saturn re-enters gate 54 of Drive and Ambition which can lead to enlightenment. Since this is a projected gate, allow Life to bring forth the recognition of your dreams. Keep BEing who you are, sharing what you love without expectation of reciprocation, knowing that Saturn and Life will bring to you those who will recognize you and desire to work with you, or maybe even collaborate with you on your dreams.

I know from experience that this is not for the faint of heart. That's why not everyone wakes up. It is one of the hardest experiences I've ever had and I've had a LOT of my share of Life experiences being a 3rd line profile myself. I'm now sharing those 3rd line experiences via my 5th line.

#humandesign #saturn #hdgate38 #hdgate54 #paradigmshift