Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Pain Awareness Month - Healing Your Human Design

September is Pain Awareness Month and I know that some of us here have some form of chronic pain, whether we are in the healing process, or not. I've been in the process of healing my fibromyalgia and I have gate 25.5 which is the only gate and line that talks about healing in HD, Recuperation.

The very short version: My self-healing journey started on Oct 6, 2013 when I removed my fentenal patch and never put another one back on. I weaned myself off all the prescription medications I was on for fibromyalgia. Before my 1st Saturn return I lost myself by compromising...I've been getting back to myself since my Uranus Opposition thru Astrology...Human Design has confirmed my path prior to compromising and helped me grow even more into myself.

I've been rewriting stories this year based on my human design, especially on the genetic side, to further help heal myself.
Before hd came into my life I was working with my mind-set, then found that I have D-Mercury in gate 47 of Oppression. This same gate goes back to my great-grandma, and potentially further, on my dad's side. My mom has it and so does one of my grandkids.

Please feel free to share here about your own pain journey. If you know of any of the design side gates (red) that run in your family, please share that too, if you'd like.

#humandesign #healingyourdesign #gate25.5recuperation #healing #painawarenessmonth


  1. I have a chronic condition that is very painful. It's called Erosive oral lichen planus. I believe it is related to my throat center since I have never been allowed to speak out about the childhood sexual abuse I was subjected to on a weekly basis as of 2 years old (rape at the hands of my father). I welcome this discussion which relates HD to traumatic experience.

    1. Josefine, I heart you SO much for opening up here about your past trauma and what you are seeing in your human design. A feast friend of mine went thru this with her brother until she wad able to leave her home. Feel free to join me on fb in my group Intuitive Human Design, or email me via my About me.
