Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Today's Experience - Pain & Compassion

I'm nursing a dog in pain & my own triggered pain. Last night my hubby took his baby boy in to the Animal Hospital thinking he was having stomach issues only to find out it's his back. No x-rays yet, too costly, so he is being treated as having back pain since he is a Dachshund and jumps up & down things a lot. He is 7 years old. We are giving him the prescriptions he was ordered and keeping him as stable as possible. We have 2 other wieners, a bro & sis I never wanted but have grown to love. I have no attachment to these little guys but my hubby has huge attachment to them. We allow each other to be where we are in that while working together as a couple with the dogs. It takes compassion and at the least, sympathy tho we both have empathy too for each other. I use to have attachment issues and he use to never be attached (Aquarius Sun lol).

Here they are this morning...

I'm so glad that I finished reading through my Gene Keys before this as it helps me to be ok in what Life has brought to me today. I won't run away this time, or sink within and hide. Instead I'll share as I feel moved to do so, as I am now doing.

Having compassion for myself and my family and embracing all that shows up works for more resisting 🌺

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

From Astrology to Human Design & Gene Keys

I'm excited to start this new path in my journey from astrology to Human Design & Gene Keys. It's really eye opening, mind expanding & soulfully delicious.

My Human Design:
Right Angle Cross of The Vessel of Love (4) -
Personal Destiny
Manifester Generater
Single Definition
Splenic Awareness Generated & Sacral
Anger & Frustration
To respond, envision, reprocess, inform, act

My Gene Keys:

I'm very new to GK & somewhat new to HD so I'm experimenting with them and am finding that as I work with my own energetic makeup, I'm feeling better. I've been working on some of these things on my own since the end of 2013 so I'm excited to go deeper within for more healing of my body. Within the GK info I now understand my Fibromyalgia even more so and how to continue working with healing my whole system, holistically, using these together.