Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Today's Experience - Pain & Compassion

I'm nursing a dog in pain & my own triggered pain. Last night my hubby took his baby boy in to the Animal Hospital thinking he was having stomach issues only to find out it's his back. No x-rays yet, too costly, so he is being treated as having back pain since he is a Dachshund and jumps up & down things a lot. He is 7 years old. We are giving him the prescriptions he was ordered and keeping him as stable as possible. We have 2 other wieners, a bro & sis I never wanted but have grown to love. I have no attachment to these little guys but my hubby has huge attachment to them. We allow each other to be where we are in that while working together as a couple with the dogs. It takes compassion and at the least, sympathy tho we both have empathy too for each other. I use to have attachment issues and he use to never be attached (Aquarius Sun lol).

Here they are this morning...

I'm so glad that I finished reading through my Gene Keys before this as it helps me to be ok in what Life has brought to me today. I won't run away this time, or sink within and hide. Instead I'll share as I feel moved to do so, as I am now doing.

Having compassion for myself and my family and embracing all that shows up works for more resisting 🌺

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